Welcome to Blanton Elementary PTA! Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Our PTA Mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Goals for the 2024-2025 School Year:
- Adhere to the PTA budget for the 2024-2025 school year
- Purchase teaching tools, such as technology and supplies, that enable our student body to be 21st century learners
- Provide enriching events and educational programs
- To create an environment that supports healthy lifestyles
2024-2025 PTA Board Members:
Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
Position | Email Address | Member |
President |
president@blantonpta.org |
Kristin Stelmazewski |
1st VP - Membership |
membership@blantonpta.org | Holly Alford |
2nd VP - Programs | programs@blantonpta.org | Tabitha Colleran |
3rd VP- Ways & Means | fundraising@blantonpta.org | Colleen Kent |
Secretary | secretary@blantonpta.org | Jennifer Kirby |
Treasurer | treasurer@blantonpta.org | Amanda Hodgins |
Parliamentarian | parlimentarian@blantonpta.org | Kaylin Walker |
Blanton Principal | lturrubiarte@dentonisd.org | Landon Turrubiarte |
Asst. Principal | mnabors@dentonisd.org | Mandy Nabors |
Communications | communications@blantonpta.org | Danielle Heitman |
Volunteer Coordinator | volunteer@blantonpta.org | Cory Puskala |
Festival Coordinator | unite@blantonpta.org |
Megan Boyden & Courtney Howe |
Noble Knight Fun Run | funrun@blantonpta.org | Shawna Martinez |
Staff Appreciation | staffappreciation@blantonpta.org |
Erin Morris & Nguyen Porter |
Parent-Student Events | events@blantonpta.org |
Kara Thomas |
Family Hospitality | hospitality@blantonpta.org |
Cortney Exby & Jamie Dimon |
Spirit Wear | spiritwear@blantonpta.org | Elissa Okoniewski |
Arts In Education | artseducation@blantonpta.org | Katie Prelli |
Yearbook | yearbook@blantonpta.org | Ashley Smith |
Knight's Nights | knightsnights@blantonpta.org | Beth Lazarus |
1st Council Delegate | delegate1@blantonpta.org |
Elisa Salazar |
2nd Council Delegate | delegate2@blantonpta.org | Lauren Heath |
National Reward Programs | rewardsprograms@blantonpta.org | Tabitha Colleran |
Dad's Program | watchdogs@blantonpta.org | Phil Simek |
Room Rep Coordinator | roomrep@blantonpta.org | Nicole Soko |
Workroom Coordinator |
workroom@blantonpta.org |
Christine Conerly |
School Supplies |
Tina Flory |
Webmaster |
Chelsea Briscoe |