Welcome to Blanton Elementary PTA! Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school.  Our PTA Mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


Goals for the 2024-2025 School Year:

  • Adhere to the PTA budget for the 2024-2025 school year
  • Purchase teaching tools, such as technology and supplies, that enable our student body to be 21st century learners
  • Provide enriching events and educational programs
  • To create an environment that supports healthy lifestyles

2024-2025 PTA Board Members:

Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Position Email Address Member



Kristin Stelmazewski

1st VP - Membership

membership@blantonpta.org  Holly Alford
2nd VP - Programs programs@blantonpta.org  Tabitha Colleran
3rd VP- Ways & Means fundraising@blantonpta.org  Colleen Kent
Secretary secretary@blantonpta.org  Jennifer Kirby
Treasurer treasurer@blantonpta.org  Amanda Hodgins
Parliamentarian parlimentarian@blantonpta.org  Kaylin Walker
Blanton Principal lturrubiarte@dentonisd.org  Landon Turrubiarte
Asst. Principal mnabors@dentonisd.org  Mandy Nabors
Communications communications@blantonpta.org   Danielle Heitman
Volunteer Coordinator volunteer@blantonpta.org  Cory Puskala
Festival Coordinator  unite@blantonpta.org 

Megan Boyden &

Courtney Howe

Noble Knight Fun Run funrun@blantonpta.org  Shawna Martinez
Staff Appreciation staffappreciation@blantonpta.org 

Erin Morris &

Nguyen Porter

Parent-Student Events events@blantonpta.org 


Kara Thomas
Family Hospitality hospitality@blantonpta.org 

Cortney Exby &

Jamie Dimon

Spirit Wear  spiritwear@blantonpta.org  Elissa Okoniewski
Arts In Education artseducation@blantonpta.org  Katie Prelli
Yearbook yearbook@blantonpta.org  Ashley Smith
Knight's Nights knightsnights@blantonpta.org  Beth Lazarus
1st Council Delegate delegate1@blantonpta.org 

Elisa Salazar

2nd Council Delegate delegate2@blantonpta.org  Lauren Heath
National Reward Programs rewardsprograms@blantonpta.org Tabitha Colleran
Dad's Program watchdogs@blantonpta.org  Phil Simek
Room Rep Coordinator roomrep@blantonpta.org  Nicole Soko

Workroom Coordinator


Christine Conerly

School Supplies


Tina Flory 



Chelsea Briscoe